Lifts legislation is a complex and constantly updated sector. Keeping up with current regulations requires therefore attention and constant updating.
The following are the main safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts:
Lift Directive 2014/33/UE
Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE
UNI EN 81-20 Passengers and goods passenger lifts
UNI EN 81-21 New passengers and goods passenger lifts in existing buildings
UNI EN 81-50 Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components
UNI EN 81-70 Accessibility to lifts for persons, including persons with disability
UNI EN 81-71 Vandal resistant lifts
UNI EN 81-72 Firefighters lifts
UNI EN 81-28 Remote alarms on passengers and goods passenger lifts
UNI EN 81-80 Existing lifts.
Regulations to improve safety of existing passengers and good passengers lifts- M. D. 236 of 14 June 1989: Prescrizioni tecniche necessarie a garantire l’accessibilità, l’adattabilità e la visitabilità degli edifici privati e di edilizia residenziale pubblica sovvenzionata e agevolata, ai fini del superamento e dell’eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche